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Ways to read with
Kobo eReaders

Read eBooks you've bought or borrowed, saved online articles,
your own notes and documents, and more.

Ways to read with
Kobo eReaders

Ways to read with
Kobo eReaders

Everything from buying an eBook to
reading your personal documents

Read eBooks you've bought or borrowed,
saved online articles, your own notes
and documents, and more.

Ways to read with
Kobo eReaders

Read eBooks you've bought or borrowed, saved online articles, your own notes and documents, and more.

Access the built-in Kobo Bookstore

Discover millions of eBooks and audiobooks in every genre, new deals every day, and free reads to download.

Access the built-in
Kobo Bookstore

Discover millions of eBooks and audiobooks in every genre, new deals every day, and free reads to download.

Subscribe to Kobo Plus

Indulge in all-you-can-read eBooks for one low monthly price, with access to over 1 million titles.

Subscribe to Kobo Plus

Indulge in all-you-can-read eBooks for one low monthly price, with access to over 1 million titles.

Borrow public library eBooks

Use OverDrive to borrow eBooks directly on your eReader from your local library, or sync your Libby app to add them.**

**OverDrive available only in select countries. eBook availability varies by library location.

Borrow public library eBooks

Use OverDrive to borrow eBooks directly on your eReader from your local library, or sync your Libby app to add them.**

**OverDrive available only in select countries. eBook availability varies by library location.

Sideload eBooks and documents

Connect your eReader to your computer by USB cable to sideload your own eBooks and PDF documents.

Sideload eBooks
and documents

Connect your eReader to your computer by USB cable to sideload your own eBooks and PDF documents.

Read online articles with Pocket

Save articles you find online to your free Pocket account. Sync your eReader to catch up on them.

Read online articles
with Pocket

Save articles you find online to your free Pocket account. Sync your eReader to catch up on them.

Import and export with Dropbox and Google Drive

Available on select eReaders. Import and export your own documents and eBooks via Dropbox and Google Drive.

Import and export
with Dropbox and Google Drive

Available on select eReaders. Import and export your own documents and eBooks via Dropbox and Google Drive.

Sync and export your notes with Readwise

See notes and highlights from all your reading platforms, including Kobo, in one place to dive deeper into your thought development. Readwise is a paid service.

Sync and export your
notes with Readwise

See notes and highlights from all your reading platforms, including Kobo, in one place to dive deeper into your thought development. Readwise is a paid service.

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